Publish your products in the EcoChain database

In case you want to make your products visible for all EcoChain users, you can de-select the 'eye icon' on the left of your product name. In order to do so, go to the 'Results > Product overview' page (see above).

Once your product has been published, the item will be visible and usable for all EcoChain users. They can purchase your product in their accounts, by attaching the environmental impact of your product to the purchasing page of their account. In order for a full explanation of using LCA data in the purchasing tab of your account, visit: 1.3.1. Add materials. Or, if you are already familiar with this page, go to the purchasing tab of the account.

Click on 'add supplier' for a specific material.

When you search for the audited product, 'Beton mengsel 1' in this case, you will see your published product appear in the search screen. In case the auditor attached a verification document, in the 'Verified' column of the search bar it will state 'Yes'. The verification document is now visibly attached to your product, and downloadable for other users.

When you wish to use this publishing link only internally, between two of your company accounts, it is important to unpublish the product again from the database. This is done by going back to product overview and close the 'eye icon'. The link between your accounts will stay, but the product is no longer visible in the database for other EcoChain users. 

Product results