Creating a sub-account

You can creating a sub-account or a supplier-account for a company with a paid Ecochain account in the following way:

  1. Click on the company account name in the right top corner of the screen.

  2. Click on "All your companies".

  3. Below your company click on "create new company" (green button).
  4. A smaller screen appears. Fill in your own company name with -supplier behind or the name of your supplier. 
  5. Fill in "industry", "sub-industry" and "country". 
  6. At "account type", tick the box "secondary account" and select the primary account of your company. Save settings.
  7. Now a free sub-account has been created.
  8. For inviting other members in this sub-account, click on your company name in the right top corner of the screen and select the supplier account.
  9. Go to settings (cogwheel in the right top corner of the screen)
  10. In the settings menu left, click "Users". 
  11. Fill in email address at "invite users" and tick 'read-only', 'editor' or 'admin' (depending on how much access you want to give the invited person).
  12. Send invitation.  
  13. Contact Ecochain to let one of the LCA team members switch the free sub-account to a paid account, when you need full access to all account privileges.